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Photo by Amanda K. Martin 

Academic Publications

Sheridan, J.A., Martin, A.K., James, Kennedy-Gold, S.R. 2022. Temperature and precipitation interact to predict size responses to climate change in fence lizards. Herp. Conserv. Biol. 17:533-559


Martin, A.K., & J.A. Sheridan. 2022. Seasonal amphibian species richness and population fluctuations at Powdermill Nature Reserve, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Am. Midl. Nat. 188: 212-233


Martin, A.K., & J.A. Sheridan. 2022. Body size responses to the combined effects of climate and land use changes within an urban framework. Glob. Change Biol. 28: 1-14.


Martin, A.K., D.H. Hughes & J.A. Sheridan. 2021. Changes in an Amphibian Community at Powdermill Nature reserve, Southwest Pennsylvania, Over a 37-Year Period. Ann. Carnegie Mus 87: 157-166.


Martin, A.K. & K.V. Root. 2020. Examining Land Use Changes to Evaluate the Effects of Land Management in a Complex, Dynamic Landscape. Environ. Manage. 66: 333-347.


Martin, A.K., 2020. Reptilian Activity, Movements and Spatial Ecology within the Oak Openings Region (Dissertation, Bowling Green State University).


Martin, A.K. & K.V. Root. 2020. Challenges and Opportunities for Terrapene carolina carolina Under Different Climate Scenarios. Remote Sens. 12: 836.


​​Dent, M.L., A.K. Martin, M.M. Flaherty, & E.G. Neilans. 2016. Cues for auditory stream segregation of birdsong in budgerigars and zebra finches: effects of location, timing, amplitude, and frequency. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 139: 674-683.


Dent, M.L., Neilans, E.G., Flaherty, M.M., & Martin, A.K. 2013. Auditory scene analysis in budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) and zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Proc. Mtgs. Acoust. 19, 010041.

Other Publications 

Carnegie Museum of Natural History Blogs

An Illuminating Tale of Tracking Turtles (B)

Overwintering for Amphibians and Reptiles (B)

Meet Amanda Martin, New Post-Doctoral Researcher (B)


Penn Dixie Fossil Park & Nature Reserve

Articles (A) & Blog (B) & Brochure (BR)

Wildlife Research: Tracking Box Turtles (A)

The Tangled Web of Life (B)

Hidden Treasures (A)

Serpents of Penn Dixie (B)

Life in the Sky (A)

A Tiny Tail (A)

Wetlands (BR)

Animals & Plants (BR)




 Amanda K. Martin, PhD in Biological Sciences 
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